Hiroshima's three major Local Noodles Taste

When you visit the World Cultural Heritage Site "Miyajima Itsukushima Shrine", try Hiroshima ramen.

We mainly serve traditional Hiroshima ramen (Chinese noodles) with a rich soy sauce pork bone broth, as well as Hiroshima tsukemen and soup-less tantanmen, which are also local Hiroshima noodles. Please enjoy Hiroshima's specialty noodles to the fullest.

Hiroshima Ramen

Tonkotsu Soy Sauce SoupHiroshima ramen is a tonkotsu (pork bone) and soy sauce flavored ramen (chuka soba) that has been handed down since the postwar period. It is made by pouring a broth of pork bones, chicken bones, vegetables, etc. simmered in soy sauce sauce until it becomes muddy. It is rich and pork bone-based, yet light.

Hiroshima Tsukemen

Spicy dipping sauce and cold noodlesThe dipping sauce is basically a spicy soy sauce base with chili peppers, raayu, vinegar, and sesame seeds. It is not only spicy, but also has the flavor and sweetness of dashi broth made from small fish and other seafood from the Seto Inland Sea.

Soupless Tantanmen

Sansho spicy oil noodlesIn addition to the spiciness of chili peppers, you can taste the tangy flavor of sansho and hwasangho. Mix the noodles and filling thoroughly with the sauce at the bottom of the bowl, and voila!